Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Seekers

Well I did think I'd be meeting these kittens much earlier than I am but alas I'll start with great news first and then continue on.

Spice was returned on Thursday over a week ago now and I worried more about her than any other kitten once it had been returned. I worried that she'd go on food strike and lose all her weight gained. I feared she'd eat the hills stuff and get diarrhea again (this is going on the theory that she has sensitivity to specific foods).
Watching Colonel

I didn't need to worry. She was only there until the following Saturday when she was scooped up by her new loving family. (happy cheers)
Who could resist such a cutie?


I thought I'd drop Colonel off at the vet and swing by and pick up four kittens that were being brought in and were said to be around six weeks old. Well no phone call came so I figured, that's it, that's the end of the season until September or so.
Colonel spotted Leo looking over the half door


Just when I resign myself to a long wet, cold winter with no little fur balls I get that call and I'm back remembering why fostering isn't all sunshine and roses.

A shelter member rang me and asked if I'd be willing to take on four kittens. I of course dived on it but wanted some background information. Why did they need fostering? How old? etc

The four were all over eight weeks old and were overall fine in health but that nasty flu has made a reappearance from somewhere and if these little dudes stayed they'd be at risk. All members of the staff are entirely frustrated with this sticky virus as just when they think it's over then it turns around and slaps them again.

So the four consist of three Ginger Tabby Boys and One Brown and Ginger Tabby with White Torbie Girl. Well what I call torbie but the shelter tends to call Tortoiseshell with White. (No idea why we don't call these ones Calico but I'd say that to the shelter and they'd look at me with a blank look so I'll just stick with what they use.)
Meet the Seekers
They were named after The Seekers. Despite naming Leo, Leo I'm not a fan of human names on pets so much. I'm not entirely convinced the names fit and I'll most likely stick them with a nickname while they're with me.

Judith is the Torbie and White (No nickname at present)
Keith is the Ginger with paler overall base coat (Already nicknamed Milky Motorman)
Bruce is the more antisocial Ginger Tabby ( Already nicknamed Whimpy or Nervous Nelly)
Athol is the most forward Ginger Tabby (Already nicknamed Squish or another not quite so charming word that looks similar to Athol and sounds a bit like it when he's being a rear end in a top hat)

At the present they're having fun showing me how much more work four kittens are compared to one or two. Needless to say they go through litter like there's no tomorrow and make an absolute mess of the cage only minutes after I've cleaned it.

I haven't sprung them from the cage yet as we're still watching them for any sign of developing the flu. I noticed a lump on Milky's spine and was nearly in panic mode but felt a slight swelling in the same spot on Squish so I'm thinking it might be their vaccination site as it doesn't seem to be bothering them.

Little Squish wasn't feeling so good this morning and threw up but is fine now and you would never have known he was feeling sad and a bit uncomfortable.

So where do the nicknames come from?

I haven't quite figured out a nickname for Judy but she's like the energizer bunny she's go and go and go and go long after her siblings have stopped playing.
Please suggest a name ~ Judith
Milky Motorman got his name from his paler base coat (making it so much easier to tell him apart) Strangely although his coat is paler his stripes are the same deep red/orange as his siblings. Motorman of course comes from his strong purr.

Milky in the back corner bit hard to tell in this light
Whimpy or Nervous Nelly is because out of the three he's the one to cringe away from your hand. You can pick him up and hold onto him but he just sits there, not quite happy but not quite flipping out. Its obvious that he's less comfortable than all the others when humans are involved.
What? Why are you laughing? ~ Whimpy
Squish. Aww little Squish. He's the most forward of the bunch to the point of trying to squish his face between bars of anything holding him back from someone or somewhere. He's the noisiest and the one that sits at the door or tries to climb out first. He's quite happy to be held but only for limited periods of time before he's wanting down to investigate and such. He also has quite the purr on him.
Can I peas come out? *puts more effort into purr* ~ Squish
So all four kittens are purring and eating in good form. Some litter habits need to improve but I'm not worried about that in any way either. No strict weighing scheme for these dudes and unless circumstances change they'll be leaving the nest on Monday.

Fingers crossed I'll get tonnes more photos before then.
So top left is Squish, top right is Whimp, Judith is easy to seee and the pale contrast in front is Milky.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The Invasion of the Chickens

Well its been nuts here...well not really but that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Thursday Spice was a bit flat, still with the runs and still doing little more than nibble at food and if I tried to syringe feed her she'd throw it back up *facepalm*
I'll just sleep here ~ Spice
I wasn't sure if she would hold out until Friday or if it would be better invading my brothers vet appointment for Terra. Needless to say I quickly got Spice given the OK to join Terra. (Do not worry for Terra, she only needed boosters which were late *glares at brother* and got her weight checked 5.1 kilo and vet says 4.5 would be a better weight for her)

Anyway. Of course everyone who has cats knows that the minute an appointment is solidified then the cat/kitten/pet in question gets 100% better. Vet agreed she was thin but she had no temperature and everything else checked out fine. He advised to stop syringe feeding and let her fly or flop.

Fly is where the kitten is hungry enough it will eat itself.

Flop is where the kitten refuses to eat until euthanasia is the only option (also known as failure to thrive)

He said she had to want to eat and force feeding her wasn't doing anything, and truthfully it wasn't she didn't really gain any better than if I just left food with her and ignored her.

Friday she went out for another vet appointment (shelter one) where a different vet didn't find anything out of the ordinary (no temperature, looking fairly bright etc) and she advised the kitten needed to put on 100 grams over the weekend otherwise she'd have to sadly be put to sleep.

I do agree. If a kitten cant/wont eat then there has to be something causing it. Rather than let her suffer and starve herself then letting go is a nicer option. On the other hand I love little Spice and I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

So with shelter manager's nod of approval I offered this kitten my number one secret weapon and also was advised to put her on kitten formula just to get fats into her. (She is supposed to be over 1 kilo but didn't really get anywhere but back to 770 grams over the week)

Number one secret weapon turned out to be cat mince. Made for cats and probably scraps not good enough for human consumption but man, this little trooper nearly took my fingers off. Ever since then supplied with mince and kitten formula she's packed on the grams and overtook the 100 grams needed to avoid the needle.

Did I hear the N word? ~ Spice
On Saturday I got a call that a kitten from the same litter had dramatically dropped in weight - was sold - and needed to put on more before his operation on Friday. Well I got out there found he is over the weight needed for surgery but still greatly declined from what he is supposed to be. (Again supposed to be over 1 kg and is only 870 grams). His other sibling was considered to come with as well being 840 grams from 930 grams but they decided to leave it a few days.
Who are you? ~ Spice
So the kittens are eating alright on the mince. I have since removed the milk and I'm TRYING to get them onto a more acceptable shelter approved food both for the shelter to make feeding not such a pain in the rear but also to widen the variety that they might eat and not drive their new owners up the wall.

Meet Colonel Sanders.
Colonel thinking happy thoughts

Colonel planning mischief
He is second Chicken from this litter and a cute little bugger. He is however deathly afraid of tiny vacuum cleaners (ran on air straight over the half door). He is whiney and becoming quite the escape artist from his cage (climbing up arms while you're grabbing the food dish).
Colonel Sanders is pleased to meet you...
Spice despite her constant meowing the previous week wasn't bouncing in happiness to have someone to share her space with. She growled and followed Colonel around (mum calls him Ginger Spice) but after a night or two together they're now sharing the crows nest or batting each other out of it.
Doh! I have to share again ~ Spice
If only I could pinpoint what it is exactly that's giving them the runs. They eat, play, are bright...but their stool grade is massive failure. I do think part of its the switch around with foods (trying to get them to at least begin eating dry but I think Spice has decided all hills brand or Science diet isn't her cup of tea and wont touch it).
Just hangin' out
We escaped vet check on Monday but have one to look forward to on Wednesday. Lets hope they study hard and improve their stool grades... *puts peg on nose as enters room*
Save yourself from the stench! ~ Colonel

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Spice and Everything Nice...

I thought kitten season was over and technically it is. The kitten I currently have 'shouldn't' need any fostering but alas this one is a bit under weight.

She was found to be 770 grams where it would be better and healthier for her to be over 800 both to be adopted out and for her age.

I figured I'd have her maybe a week....hah!

First off meet Spicy Chicken.
Spicy Chicken

No I did NOT name her. And there is a perfectly good explanation on her name. Her paperwork says her name is Chicken and I really didn't want to go around calling a kitten Chicken. She received her name because she was one of 5 kittens born near a KFC. Needless to say all kittens were then named after chicken products.
Don't be fooled, she's all fur
In trying to think up a nickname for her someone mentioned Spicy. So she's now Spice. I think it suits her much better.

Now onto the troubles. The first few days she nearly meowed the house down. When she was alone she'd meow and meow. Of course I caved in several times and gave her cuddles.
Spice being cuddled (and the gown she loves so much)
For some reason the fluffy collar of my dressing gown is now her favorite thing and she'll snuggle up there and begin sucking and kneading it.

She kneads the air nearly all the time as well.

What she doesn't seem to do for reasons unknown is eat. She didn't want the food she'd been eating with her siblings. That food mixed with weight builder was again ignored. I took to syringe feeding her weight booster but alas she's gone from 770 downwards and I'm not sure why.
She's such a pretty girl
She does have tummy issues. Her toilet habits have resulted in two baths so far. She has also vomited twice. I have decided to try worming her to see if that's stopping her from gaining proper nutrients from her food but I will not have any answers probably until Friday when she goes in for a vet check.
Bath Number 1
Hey you! Halp! ~ Spice

I am crossing my fingers that she doesn't drop below the 700 grams. She has been quite 'flat' today and isnt as energetic as a kitten should be. She's spent most of the day sleeping and even when left alone she's not meowing the house down.

Hoping Friday's vet check gives some answers or a new path of action to get this little sweetie eating properly.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Kitten Season's End

On Thursday 30th of May Muffin was taken in to the vet clinic to get spayed and head off to her new family. It was a very sad day.
Muffin ~ A new home? Really?
Muffin had not reached the 'annoying and needs to go back' stage. I kind of doubt that one really could reach that stage sometimes. She weighed in at the vet to a whopping 900 grams and I'm sure she's loving having a family doting on her all the time.
Win got Muffin to sleep on me....
Two seconds later... Muffin ~ Tricked you!
I did try to keep in contact with her new owners but alas it was their decision not to respond and I respect that. I still secretly hold hope that they may swing an adult Muffin picture my way in the years to come.

Muffin was a joy to have in more ways than one. She was full on personality to begin with, quick purr, quirky meow and full of hyper energy. The hyper energy only increased as her weight did.
Muffin ~ I'm cute of course I'm great to have around
Feeling her belly go from barely there to consistently pot bellied, the early joys of having to syringe feed her at several times a day to ensure she was eating enough and not getting distracted - which she often did. She loved that syringe and would literally hang off the end of it.

The difference in feeling her spongy bones and every single rib in her body to barely being able to feel them at all was such an amazement considering she was only with me for 2 weeks.

The difference in her fur from matted to full and glossy. The discovery of a grey patch under her chin.
Where did that grey patch come from?
I think the most significant milestone is that Muffin never got sick. I'm not sure if enforcing the whole keep her away from Leo and Terra helped but its probably less stressful for them and me if I make sure future litters are given the same treatment.

It's not to say she didn't meet Terra and Leo, she saw them, never touched them and was often brought into the lounge for cuddles just never let loose.
Muffin hanging out with me in the lounge room
She was highly sociable with humans. She didn't care who had her she'd purr away...there were moments she got overly ratty and needed to burn of energy away from people but for most part she was ever pleased to see people. To the point that she began doing a Paris.

Paris was a kitten, singleton as well that was given to me younger and skinny as well last year. She learned that when people leaned over the half door it was a cue to run full pelt to them and leap into their hands. Muffin did that as well using hands as stepping stones to get halfway up your arm. It was adorably cute.

Alas after Muffin returned and there was no notice of any further kittens...even the shelter's admissions had slowed dramatically, I just couldnt bring myself to write up the goodbye post and face the next 3 to 5 months or longer without more kittens.

It does seem kitten season has ended this year. Not everyone is horridly sad about this....

I think Leo and Terra are inwardly celebrating because they get a tonne more one on one time.

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...