Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The MMMM's Are On The Move...

Since the last post it's been pretty boring.

I weigh the kittens in the morning - all have usually gained upwards of 10 grams (A few instances they've gained a little over 20)
Kittens in their usual huddle
I feed Madeline and generally tidy up whatever mess she's made.


However in the last few days there has been much more activity as the little M's are finding their feet. Due to lack of strength they often stand there trying to lift their heavy little tummies off the floor and shaking with the effort.

When I saw this attempt at movement I decided to give them some 'floor time' setting up a towel on the carpet and plopping the kittens on it.

Madeline had the chance to stretch her legs and check out her wider surroundings - something she now wants to do every time I have to come in and clean the cage.

The kittens, at first didn't move from the towel. They just huddled and cried and shifted a few steps looking very lost.
Floor huddle

Kitten gathering discussing the meaning of this craziness
The more they had this floor time the more they became aware of their legs as they wanted to 'follow' their mother.

Marlowe was the first to learn that tail upright = better balance and able to walk further distance without toppling over. She does tend to get ahead of herself these days and is stopped in her tracks right quick when her tiny hind legs don't yet have the oomph.
Originally quite happy staying on the towel

Marlowe decided to stick close to mum

Marlowe ~ Who are you?
Mishka does move. Since she's a whopping 425 grams as of today (the rest are somewhere just past 400 and Merlin slowly reaching that big milestone) it takes quite a bit more effort to lug her massive tummy off the floor.
I'm too pretty to walk ~ Mishka
HALP! This strange lady picked me up again ~ Mishka
While Misty hasn't reached any standout milestones. She does get around quite well.

Hello? ~ Misty
This little rascal has taken quite a liking to my feet so she makes tracks to them, sits on them and if they dare move she attempts to nibble them into submission.

What? This is mine now ~ Misty
Misty is the instigator of many rough and tumbles when they are back in their bed.
Misty chewing on Merlin (Marlowe and Mishka preparing to battle)
Merlin returning the favor
Merlin. Oh sweet Merlin. He has such a sad face.

Merlin looking all woe is me
Most of his floor time is spent plaintively meowing (or rather peeping) at his mother or siblings. There is a reasonable size difference between him and his sisters however he holds his own (gaining well over 20 grams this morning).

I don't like this floor it feels funny ~ Merlin
Cute little Boy

Merlin gets around quite well, not fast and not far but he manages. More often than not while his mother is having a snack he's there trying to walk through her food and wondering what this cold sticky stuff on his feet is.

Are you my mummy? ~ Merlin
*sigh* Where's my mummy? ~ Merlin *Pouts*
 So it wont be long until these little babies are full on interacting with us. They already play wrestle with each other (I feel its part of their teething that gives them the need to bite the absolute crap out of each other).

They are slowly figuring out the mechanics of moving and how to get to places faster. They know how to get in and out of their bed in the cage so poor Madeline now has no escape.
Floor time? ~ The kittens Chorus

Kittens observing the edge of their bed
I have not yet seen any toilet behavior and although I have smeared a tiny amount of wet food on their mouth there's not yet any interest in their mothers food. (I don't expect them to do either right away they seem to be thriving on just Madeline so far).
Madeline ~ I take my duties as mum seriously

Monday, 21 October 2013

Madeline and the MMMMMMMMMM's

Well I've truly been stumped for names.

The Vet visit last Wednesday was a very quick introduction where they werent quite sure of their age. Some had their eyes fully open others were slowly getting there and we'd been told they were only a week old. With all kittens being over 200 Grams we figured maybe they were 2 weeks old...

Either way they're still at the quite boring stage where my main job is keeping food up to Madeline and just recording the tiny tot's weights once a day. Madeline is doing her job very well and we have some quite porky little babies that are gaining at least 10 if not 15 or 20 grams per day.
Madeline ~ Of course I look after my babies.
Two of said porkies are very close to hitting the 300 Gram mark and the other two are not far behind.
Nice Picture of the different colour Tabbies.
Since the ginger boy was last to open his eyes and is the lightest in weight I'm pointing at him to be the runt.

Anywho back to names. I looked up the story books Madeline hoping to use names of characters off that. Well half of them are hard to pronounce for me so any potential adopter would be struggling as well. Last night I had a bright idea to find cat names starting with M.

Therefore we now have names. I dont doubt someone at the shelter will disagree that some names are horrible, I did try to go for the least horrible names. Truthfully how many shelter cats keep their name when they're adopted? Therefore if they suck, at least they're temporary.

I'll go by the fattest.

Please welcome Marlowe the black Tortoiseshell girl who takes after mother.
Very porky little girl
Kind of hand/size comparison still tiny
Mishka the adorable Brown Torbie girl with a ginger kiss on her head.
She's going to be a gorgeous baby
Very whiney at the present though 
Misty the Grey Tabby
Misty not quite so sure of this whole photo thing

Wont stop squirming
And Little Merlin the boy who's going to have a lot of sisters picking on him.

Poor baby Merlin looks so Sad

My Brother proves he's a tiny handful
I also became aware that today my own boy Leo turns 3 years old.


(Always get confused on whether its the 21st or the 23rd.....)

Whats the big deal? ~ Leo

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The Adventures of Madeline

I received the call I'd been waiting for. Kittens!

There was a barely six month old short hair grey tabby that was heavily pregnant at the shelter and I thought she'd be my first foster of the year alas the phone call changed that.

As I was heading away for the weekend it had to be organized on when to pick up the kittens and such.

Here I go getting ahead of myself again. So I'll shorten it down into sentences.

I received a call that a shelter an hour away had a mother with babies but no foster carers, I was asked if I wanted to foster them and if yes they would be transferred to the shelter I work with.

I of course, said yes.

Working transport arangements since they were an hour away worked out fine with a few hiccups. My mother was due for an appointment in that direction anyway so we were going to be in the vacinity to pick them up.

With my dad deciding to join the trip it left things a bit squished time wise but we still managed. There was a minor kerfuffle about the transfer documents but I was allowed to leave with said new charges.

Without further ado I introduce the first foster group of the 2013 season.

Madeline is the ever loving beautiful mother who is doing an exceptional job with her babies
Madeline and her babies
Her babies are quite the assortment and so far we are at a tally of three girls and one boy.

Boy Kitten - Ginger Tabby
Eyes not quite open but absolutely the biggest whiner of the lot

Girl Kitten - Grey Tabby
Eyes more open no wonder this one has itchy feet to get moving...

Girl Kitten - Dark Tortoiseshell
Eyes not very open always has to be one to take after mother
Girl Kitten - Brown Tabby with Ginger (or Torbie)
This one is going to be absolutely gorgeous and full of trouble
They are roughly a week old now as they were apparently born over Tuesday night last week. They are all over 200 grams and a few already have their eyes open.

The brown tabby is quite feisty and loves to hiss at me if I dare touch her.

The Grey tabby is the most mobile and the other two are still pretty much sleeping and eating.

I try not to handle them too much. Madeline is very tollerant of me needing to record weights but I dont want her thinking I only go in there to touch her babies. She comes over for pats and I shower her in affection.

Madeline wasnt a brilliant traveller and for awhile we thought she was going to get car sick. Thankfully not but theres a shorter car trip for her tomorrow to get a quick vet check on her family. Hopefully we might come up with some names while we're there and definite gender guesses...

I'll leave you with some cuteness. Please excuse the Dark torti's rear end she was squished on the bottom.

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...