Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Review of The Blacks

Seems not so long ago on the seventh of February I brought home six black kittens and wondered if all six would ever make it up to sale weights.

I am very proud to say that all six have now reached adoptable weight and are only with me now because there is currently no room at the shelter.

Every day they're showing they're ready for a new home, climbing and exploring their boundaries and of course defeating the half door which usually is the key sign that they're due to return.

I am amazed at the transformation in them so I thought we would reflect back on were these guys started and where they are now.

Please be aware that if any of these strike your fancy and you're in the Portland Victoria area they are available for adoption.

Kitten A. Lexi. Starting weight: 380 grams Weight Now: well over 800 grams

Lexi is an attention seeker. She's quick to run over to the half door and quite effortlessly jumps right on the top rim of it and perches there purring madly. She is the sweetest little sweetheart.
Cute little head tilt of Lexi
All thin and sleek looking now
Kitten B. Midnight Starting Weight: 404 grams Weight Now: Well Over 800 grams

Midnight is still a bit of an enigma. I feel she would show more of her personality if some of her siblings were returned. She interacts well with her siblings and interacts easily with people but doesn't go out of her way seeking cuddles or attention like some of the others.
Baby Midnight
Much bigger Midnight
Kitten C. Harlem Starting Weight: 386 grams Lowest Point: 298 grams Weight Now: 835 grams

Harlem was one of the kittens I didn't think would ever reach the 800 grams. Her life hung in the balance of vet decisions several times and thankfully when she was given a last chance she grabbed it with both paws.
You never would know now that the tiny kitten so close to death is now an outgoing, quite affectionate little girl. Of all the kittens she's possibly the best poser for photographs and will lap up the attention but only if its on her terms. As a kitten she perched on my knee while the other kittens played but now she's in the thick of things.
This fails to show how skinny she really was back then
No problems with thinness now, Harlem tackles toy
Kitten D. Onyx. Starting Weight: 406 Grams Weight Now: Over 1kg

Onyx the tank. He was always the biggest, hitting milestones before his siblings and generally being the tough older brother amongst so many females. He is a gorgeous affectionate boy who sometimes has a little bit too much energy for his sisters and causes a few riots.
This troublesome boy is still by far the biggest and he likes to believe he's quite a fierce little hunter trying to run away with string toys or little furry mouse toys while growling over them.
Such a fuzzy little baby
To a sleek big boy now. Houston we hit the gangly stage...
Kitten E. Jinx Starting Weight: 336 grams Weight Now: Well over 800 grams

Jinx is a little like Midnight. She accepts attention readily so long as its on her terms and she's in the mood for the attention. I think if she had less siblings around, like Midnight, she might come forward with more personality. Jinx is a pretty girl, the only kitten sporting any white markings although unfortunately it seems the patch will forever be hiding behind her collar.
Worried looking baby Jinx
Jinx hanging on mum's leg
Kitten F. Pixie Starting Weight: 314 grams Lowest Weight: 270 grams Weight now: Over 800 grams

Pixie, Pixie, Pixie. This is the one I was desperate to fight for. You could see in her eyes the war and the need to get better and gain weight even when her body wasn't retaining any of what she was being given.
Unlike Harlem who seemed to nearly give up at one stage Pixie just kept on battling and beating the odds. No one thought she would make it since she was the second tiniest of the litter.
Seeing her now a fit, healthy and unique looking girl I'm proud to say I played a part in giving her a chance at life.
Pixie still purrs up a storm and will occasionally cuddle but I feel she's hit a near teenage rebellion stage where she wants to be all independent at times. One thing is for certain whoever eventually purchases this kitty wont be lacking in entertainment. Pixie is full of spirit and taking her chance at life with no looking back.
Baby Pixie with her Ping Pong ball comparison
Such a difference, not much of a poser either...

PS - Not quite sure what happened to my black kittens, they all seem to be developing some mottling in the fur around the face. Pixie has it the most prominent and sometimes with camera flash appears a nearly black says she's got an old man face...poor prematurely aging little kitties...

Unfortunately the 7th kitten to this litter another boy, I didn't have the pleasure of fostering him but he didn't make it and he was the tiniest kitten I referred to when I mentioned that Pixie wasn't actually the littlest. Pixie was barely bigger than a ping pong ball when I got them and she fit quite easily in one hand.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

The Spay from Hell

Where to begin?
When Trixy was tiny
Trixy got bought by my aunty and spayed Wednesday nearly a fortnight ago. She is forever onwards going to be referred to as Misty. We have kept her since her surgery until her stitches are out and she should be moving to her new home some time this week.

Spay surgeries are invasive. When done at such a young age there is the risk of complications. Keeping a kitten contained thats doped up on painkillers (that last three days) is like telling an ice block not to melt.

Needless to say like all other female cat's I've had the pleasure of taking care of during their 10 to 14 day recovery period nothing goes without problems.

Lets look back just for a few seconds

Missy our permanent resident kitty had over three weeks to recover from her surgery as she let her brother lick it so it got infected, she then used the edge of the bucket hood to itch it thus causing irritation and eventually numerous vet trips later we ended up inventing the sock coat to cover her wound/bandage so she'd leave it the heck alone.
Missy wearing her sock
Terra was the second culprit -another permanent resident - she had her spay done in the side. With the invention of the sock she had a relatively quiet spay recovery. I dont remember if she ended up getting infected or not but she too wouldnt stay still.
Terra and her sock (man she was tiny back then)
 Lilo was supposed to stay overnight and then get transferred to another shelter but her spay got so infected she ended up needing to go back under the knife.
Lilo and her mesh coat that never stayed on...
JoJo (Now Millie) was also one I'd forgotten I had the pleasure of knowing after spay surgery. She managed to get herself in an awful tangle with the bucket hood in her litter tray (oh the mess). Once the sock was put on I don't think there were any hassles and she was the easiest recovery of the lot. Now since lives with my other Aunty.
JoJo and her sock
Enough of memory lane back to Misty...

Misty was overactive and her pain medication wore off on Saturday. She was in a world of pain to the point she couldn't sit comfortably and was whining if you tried picking her up. Her wound was quite swollen and looked painful.

I was unsure whether it was serious enough to call a vet and go in or if she'd be alright until Monday when it wasn't a double charge fee for weekends.

In the end her discomfort drove me to take her in.

The vet was great, she said it was unusually swollen and likely a bit of blood was leaking between the layers of stitches or something. She pierced the small bulge and a bit of blood came out but it stopped fairly quickly. She put a pressure bandage on and advised it be kept on for as long as possible with a minimum of two hours but to remove it before bedding her down for the night.

Poor Misty had a little trouble getting accustomed to her little coat (modified sock to deter her from chewing the stitches) but eventually stopped moving like a drunken sailor. Now with the pressure bandage on she couldn't quite get her balance right once again.
A picture of her spay wound after it had settled down.
PS - Unfortunately only just realized I have no pictures of miss Misty in her sock....

The vet also gave her an antibiotic and another pain killer injection and just advised me to keep her quiet. Heh...yeah...

Misty was very quiet for the remainder of the day and spent most of it on my lap with her blankie a fluffy white wool pad that goes in a dome bed. She likes kneading and sucking on it while purring up a storm. When she began doing that I knew she was feeling a bit better.
Misty snuggled on me
The following Monday she went in for a check up to see if the swelling had gone down. I got a different vet but that vet said it was looking good.

A few days later Misty was back to her 'I'm feeling great lets climb over your back as you clean my cage and hoon around the floor' *face palm*
I'm not trouble, I just love to play
She irritated her spay site again and caused a bit of soreness and swelling once again. It wasn't to the point of the first lot of swelling but the fact she was complaining 'ouch' when it was touched around the swelling concerned me.

Once again the following day she got taken in for another check. The vet (another different one) took her out the back and had some others look her over. She returned saying the spay site looked alright and to try keep her quiet. She told me to keep returning if I had any concerns as the kitten is still a baby and doing them so young its better to be safe than sorry.

Since then things have been pretty good. Her spay hasnt swollen again even after I've let her run a little (being cooped in a cage all the time wasn't fair). Most of the time her play time was again not planned as she is pretty quick at skipping out the minute the cage door is opened. So while I cleaned she gets a run.
Do I have to go back in there?
To me her spay is looking really good. Very clean, no swelling and I hope she has her stitches out on Wednesday.

Today was the big day. Misty moved in with her new family. Although house bound for now she will eventually be able to freely wander this amazing property.

One of the many views

Misty was very nervous to begin with but by the time we were preparing to leave she had settled down and was interacting with her new mother. The little mite tried tucking herself on my lap for a nap but I had to discourage any more bonding and usher in the direction of her new parents.
Misty in her new home checking out a toy

Not quite sure of her new surroundings
By the sounds of it already she's proving quite the hit and I know she'll be loved for many more years to come. Who knows in the near future there might be some updates as we watch this little one become a big kitty.
Goodbye baby girl may you live a long happy life

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The Purrs

Well the new mother Sally and her babies now have a theme name Purrs. Each kitten also has a name.

With pleasure I introduce

Sierra the only girl a dark torti

Salem a black boy (another black kitten *sigh*)

Scout a tabby boy with thinner stripes - whines a lot

Sherlock another tabby boy with darker, thicker stripes

and lastly Suess after the Dr Suess books

The kittens are all doing extremely well, always gaining and are an inquisitive bunch. I named the tabbies after investigative beings because thats what they are, into absolutely everything.

Sierra and Sherlock are getting the hang of wet food.

Salem is slowly getting wet food but I've witnessed him attempting to eat dry food and growling over it.

Suess and Scout are a little behind but aren't lacking in the weight gains as their mother is doting on them and keeping food up to them. She is however not in the bed with them all the time anymore.
Hold still, I'm cleaning you
I thought I'd leave this post short and sweet and try and get a few more up in the days to come.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Baker's Dozen 13

Last Friday's vet check saw Mystique and Cosentino return to the shelter.
A forever home? What's that?

No, I'm refusing to pose ~ Mystique

Cosentino passed fine but Mystique and her troublesome glands were inflamed again so they're out the back for another week before she's released into mass population.

I heard word that although Mittens doesn't currently have a home she was being spayed and if a home didnt turn up she would be transferred to another shelter. She's still doing well and is still such a sweet and affectionate girl but unfortunately I didn't get to catch up with her again.

There is still plenty of kittens being surrendered.

I'll have Trixy even after she's no longer classified a shelter owned kitty. Once her stitches are out she'll be off to her new home.
I get to stay for awhile longer? ~ Trixy
The shelter Manager had a proposition for me. There was a mother cat with her 3 bigger five week old babies as well as the 7th black kitten that originally came in with my 6 black kittens that she wanted out of the shelter since they kept getting weepy eyes.

Having a look at them and thinking of the 7 at home that currently had no weepy eyes I had to decline even if it meant they would have no other chance. It sucks when that happens.

I did offer to take any that were already healthy but needed to escape the shelter. Thus I now have Sally and her five babies. Her babies are are just breaking the 300 grams and were all born at the shelter.
Sally ~ My Babies

There is five here, ones just really good at hiding...
I'll have to get a recording of her purr. I have never EVER heard a cat with a purr that you can hear from even outside of the room. Thankfully her kittens have slight differences in color so it wont be as hard to tell them apart. She does have one solid black kitten though...thanks for that mother cat.

If all goes well and the 6 begin packing on the weight I might have room for another mother and her six kittens that appeared to be around 4 weeks old. One was an absolute gorgeous all over chocolate brown. I've never ever seen that color before.

More than likely they'll be near adoption size by then so... (Sad Face)

So it's just puttering along keeping food up to the little trouble makers and maybe before the black kittens are 8 weeks old I might get a family shot with them all looking my way...
The closest pic so far of all looking at the camera. Unfortunately who is who....
PS - I do know it's Pixie with her little paw in the air waving "HI!!"

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...