Monday, 23 June 2014

But Wait....There's More!!!

Before I introduce you to the new members I shall begin with some bad news.
Tash *Pouts*
Tash's home has fallen through. My Aunty was going to adopt her but it just became an impossibility and in the end she had to say she couldn't get her. I respect her decision.

Tash is at the ignorant 'teen' stage as I call it and will be returned to the shelter hopefully on Monday where she can let loose her energy. Despite being given free run in the lounge and short periods of time to interact with Leo and Terra nothing seems to curb this kittens boundless energy.

Her once snuggly behavior has now turned into 'PUT ME DOWN I NEED TO RUN!!!'. Any potential adopters reading this please note that when she has exerted herself enough she will politely plonk herself on your lap for a short recharge before bounding off once again.

Kisses and Cheeky have finished their medication and so far as I can tell there is little to no sneezing present. I'm not sure if Kisses got something in her eye while they were fighting at one stage as its still slightly inflamed. It could be still part of the flu so until they're given the all clear I'm not mixing them with any other kittens and I'll be keeping them contained to their quarters.

Last thing I want is the new kids getting it.

Who knows, if they pass sales check with a clean bill of health Kisses and Cheeky will possibly return to the shelter as well.

Right *claps hands together*

I received a call on Wednesday from the RSPCA asking if I wanted to take on five tiny four and a half week old kittens. I'd been struck down with the flu the previous Friday to the point it wiped me out mentally and physically (Thankfully I was on the road to recovery by Wednesday).

I of course said yes.


I had been warned that one of the kittens was tiny. Teeny tiny. So having remembered little Pixie and Harlem from the black six and how tiny they were I shrugged it off and said sure, I can handle that.

I hadn't prepared myself for five kittens that are more mid three weeks old than four and a half, one of which is obviously the runt or just never got as much off their mother. Taking said mother was not an option as she hadn't been surrendered with the kittens.

I finally got them home and figured they would need frequent feeds and constantly keeping them warm. For awhile I feared they couldn't urinate or defecate on their own but since have found that although they have no real plan on where they can drop tiny packages anywhere they wish to (at the present on soft material like bedding rather than in a litter tray).

The first night I kept them in with me in my room in my large carrier cage. I figured I'd have to feed them all the time. They didn't seem to really want to move out of their warm cage and meowed in protest when I woke at ungodly hours to shine a light in to check on them. I was mostly worried about the tiny one.

Now it's been a few days I'm trying to give them the intensive care they need but also setting some boundaries on having them sink or swim. I will keep them warm with the options of hot water bottles and I will supply food but since majority hate the syringe they're slowly learning how to eat out of a bowl.

Due to his size, the first named kitten, Tiny, does get some more TLC and often spends a few hours or so snuggled up against my neck under my shirt collar. Pictures wont do justice on how tiny he really is.

Time to meet the rest of the family.

Tilly - Grey and White with Hind Socks Female

Tazma - Grey and White with Hind Stockings Female

Tiny - (White and Brown Tabby) Male

Turbo - Dark Tabby Boy
Turbo left, Tina right
Tina - Dark Tabby Girl with Blaze

Fingers crossed these kitties begin eating up and gaining their required 10 grams a day.

Until Next Time....

Monday, 16 June 2014

Since I've Been Gone

My apologies for my continued absence. I really need to get into some sort of routine with this blog.

I had eight kittens last time I did a blog post, I now have three.

I haven't really been this low since kittens season just began, its been a steady stream this year but finally it appears to be ending.

Aura and Zeus as well as Clyde and Zula went through a bout of sneezing. Some medication cleared them up right quick.

Aura and Zeus were stressing too much in their pen once they recovered. Due to random bouts of sneezing from Kisses and Cheeky I couldn't let them run free in the room and unfortunately and they were beginning to stress themselves out to the point of possibly getting sick again.

I put them up in the bathroom for the daylight hours over the weekend a fortnight ago and made arrangements with the shelter for them to take Aura, Zeus and Cleo in a transfer of kitties to the Ballarat shelter.

Aura and Zeus thanked me for that freedom by knocking the plug into the sink and turning the tap on. I opened the door to find water running off the sink and onto the floor. That was a fun clean up...NOT.
I thought it was quite funny ~ Aura
I do NOT like camera's ~ Zeus
In the end Zeus and Cleo made the trip to Ballarat but Aura did fall ill again and is currently on medication out at the shelter. Fingers crossed she recovers soon and can get onto the adoption floors.
Zeus was however reunited with his siblings Ace, Apollo and Athena as they all made the trip as well.
I'm outta here ~ Cleo
I'll charm them with my cute ~ Apollo
I'll curl up on their lap and purr ~ Athena
I'll be the most playful kitten ever ~ Ace
Out of my black six (Lexi, Harlem, Pixie, Jinx, Onyx and Midnight), Harlem found a home and I feared all the rest would fall ill with the dreaded ringworm or end up with complications of the flu.
Thankfully news reached me today that Lexi made the trip to Ballarat as well in a second group for transport. Yay.
New surroundings? Sounds good ~ Lexi
The other four weren't so lucky but I find comfort in knowing that they did go from scrawny tiny kittens with no mother to full grown kitties who knew love for most of their time in this world.

Only Today Zula and Clyde left the nest as once again due to Kisses and Cheeky being on medication they couldn't have free run on the floor.
 They were technically big enough to return and they will purr when they are patted but unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to build their confidence to the point of approaching people of their own will when they had more than their cage to roam.
Zula not quite sure what to make of the camera
Really doesn't properly show Clyde's impressive coat with silver highlights
Tash is still with me, growing in to all that fur she had as a tiny puff ball. Her spay surgery has been a bit of a nightmare (not so much as Trixy was) but enough that she needed to go on some antibiotics to try and bring down the inflammation.
Tash looking a bit less fuzzy but still very soft
Fingers crossed that she will soon venture off to her new home but we're still working out the details.

Once Tash is gone I'll have only the tiny tabbies Kisses and Cheeky. Those are currently on some medication for their sneezing but besides that they are at a weight they could return once its cleared. I'll probably hang onto them for awhile as it appears they'll be my last litter for this season. (Very sad face)
Cheeky wanting some attention
Kisses with her slightly squinty left eye
Until Next Time...

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...