Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Former Foster Catch Up

Events of 4th September 2015

I had decided long ago before returning the Weenies I'd use some time to go visit my friends. It was another reason to tag along with Katie to familiarize myself with the road I'd be taking.

My brother was put in charge of the new recruits. Amazingly unlike kittens that often need a lot of attention Ellie and Bennyboo were absolutely fine to sleep the entire day with the sun streaming through the window and barely looked up when I popped in to clean litter and change water and food bowls.

I'm not a confident driver at the best of times and prefer to stick to my routines.

This was to be the biggest trip myself or my little car had ever undertaken.

Overall I was glad I went. I got to catch up with some friends I hadn't seen in a long time or not since they'd been to visit me.

I met some of their other friends during the games night we had.

Something I always enjoy immensely is catching up with previous fosters.

I was reunited with Loki.

Loki was a kitten that was born to Zazee but then surrendered when he kept getting beaten up by the resident tom. (Now seeing Hendrix I can't convince myself that such a sooky boy would beat up a little kitten but I guess hormones could play a part).
What a handsome man-cat he's become...
Loki lucked out with a doting family and an extra big fur sibling Nelson.
One of the few pics I got of  Nelson
It took a little while but Loki eventually warmed up to the fact I was there and man is he impressive looking now.
Who's this stranger? ~ Loki
I'm watching you woman...
The greys in his coat have further deepened and I fully expect him to continue getting darker as he gets older.

He's quite adorable and they've taught him to give kisses at mealtime.

Both of his fur-parents take amazing photos, here is just one from Michelle's husband Roy.
(all photo credit to Roy Honeybun)
Another friend I tried to keep in touch with quite often was Sam.

Sam's sister Tessa had adopted Tiny.

Just as a refresher, here's Tiny when she was on foster.

I was invited around to Tessa's place to catch up with the now one year old little girl who had been my greatest success as a foster carer.

Man is she impressive now. And what was once some pathetic little ratty tail is now a beautiful feather duster.
Tiny 1 year since she was adopted...
Lookit that TAIL!!!
I know many people who often ask 'how do you give them up?'

Its not easy but its not really like by the time they've been in their forever home for a year (which is longer than they were fostered) that there would be all that slow, emotional music and running toward each other like seeing each other brought back memories.

I avoid photos like the plague but I was beyond excited whereas Millie is like (who is this?)
Tiny, now Millie, was probably simply wondering why someone was following her with a camera. She was friendly enough but there was no recognition.

Tiny's still close pals with little AJ, Tessa's daughter.
Overall it was a successful weekend and I'm glad I pushed myself out of my normal routine.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

The Shy

Events of 2nd September 2015

Quite a few of the Main Coon and Ragdoll crosses had matted coats so were booked in to get the mats taken out.

Amazingly Bennyboo didn't have any even though he's the one that hides in his litter tray and pretends he's tiny when in reality he's HUGE.
I'm not here...
I'm still not here...
You can't see me...
Ellie also preferring to pretend she's not there...
Ellie did have some mats and was going to go in for a full body clip considering her coat was shorter than the others but instead she returned with patches of long and short fur. It'll all grow out eventually but it does make her look a bit odd.
Already sleeping out in the open and not in a litter tray.
No matter what still looks cranky in photos...
It was decided that Bennyboo and Ellie would come with me and I'd try to get them to come out of their shell a bit.
Claimed the shelf as theirs, things that you don't take into account with adults compared to kittens...
Just one glimpse at Bennyboo's size...
I was grateful of the challenge and something other than dead silence.

Not fleeing for the shelf straight away...
Ellie moving around the most
The magnificence that is Bennyboo
Terra had decided I was alright to hang with when my brother was off working and my parents weren't an option due to them still being away on their trip.
Can I has your lap? ~ Terra

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Kittenless & Road Trip

Events of 21st August 2015

Willow was alright at vet check and was okay to go straight down for surgery.

She would return to the shelter and therefore I'm officially kitten-less.

Since we had a bit of a lull another shelter had to intake a huge number of Maine Coon and Ragdoll crosses so Katie was going there to pick up a few.

I decided since I had nothing much to do but sit in a very quiet home considering my parents were on their yearly three week vacation in the caravan and no kittens and no permanent cat that I'd ask to tag along.

The drive was pretty uneventful and I got to drive the shelter van a little bit. Its quite a bit different to drive than my little Nissan Micra as its automatic and the blinkers and wipers are on the wrong sides. I'm not a huge fan of it but it does the job.

Upon arriving we were led back to the pens and the layout is very different to the portland shelter. There were a LOT of cats.

We were given six. Five Maine Coon crosses and one Ragdoll cross. For all we know they could have been pure but some were smaller and others bigger and I don't think they came with any official paperwork of a breeder.

Just because they're extra large and extra amazing, extra large pics to introduce them...

Close second to Jim in size
Absolutely huge boy

Such green, green eyes
Amazing colours, pity she turned away...
Biiiig sooky boy

Not being agreeable for her photograph.
Some of the cats were very shy and others were outgoing. How they react in the weeks to come will decide whether I get a few kitties to foster for socialization.

And just because an adorable pic of Wally settling in to adoption...
I mean....can you get anymore relaxed?

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Weenies wander Home & Familiar faces

Events of 11th August 2015

The sad news reached me that my cousins circumstances had changed and she needed to surrender both of her cats.

So the rabbit hutch pen soon became occupied overnight by Zazee and Hendrix.
I remember this place ~ Zazee (Hendrix hiding in hut)
Zazee is a familiar face, I had looked after her for a few months when she'd had her third or fourth litter of kittens and was spayed so it never happened again.

The life of a spayed cat has agreed greatly with her and her coat and weight were much better than when she'd been a nursing mum.
Pretty Pretty girl Zazee is
Hendrix was the male and possible dad of some of the litters Zazee had. He does look like a short haired version of Zane?
Handsome boy from when he was up for adoption
Both are lovely cats and I took them out to the shelter and completed the paperwork for my cousin as there is no local shelter where she is.

I'm sure both will find new homes soon.

Wally and Wanda were booked in for their little surgeries. I was returning Willow the following Friday as well but there were still some issues with irregular bowel movement so I figured maybe a one on one situation might help get to the bottom of it.
Wally just chilling waiting for his furever family.
There are times where stress makes you over think everything and fresh eyes can be extremely helpful. I try not to but I do tend to molly coddle the kids a bit.

Wanda and Wally left the building so I just had Willow for the week and let her out to run the lounge. She was continuing her protexin and ID so I hoped by the following Friday that she would be fine.
Willow soaking up all the attention
I had a message pop up from one of the vets, Jeff, on the day that Wanda and Willow went in for surgery. He inquired if Wanda had any interested parties.

Needless to say I'd not heard of anyone wanting her and therefore Wanda went to the vets but not to the shelter. She'd been her usual adorable self and got herself a home.

Her new name is Jasmine.
I just waved my paws and gave him my puss-in-boots eyes ~ Wanda
It was some very good news and best part is hopefully I can prod Jeff for a pic every now and again to see what a pretty lady cat Wanda grows up into.

Here are just a few stages of Jasmine (fka Wanda) while she was here...

Tiny Wanda
Baby Wanda
Bigger Wanda
Shortly before leaving the Legends

Monday, 22 August 2016

Weenies for the WIN

Hey there (anyone who still reads this)

Yes, once again I've delayed more posts. I've actually found I've not taken as many pictures of the Weenies as I thought and uploading takes its sweet time. One day I'll get back on track and with the 2016 season fast approaching I'd better pull my finger out so I'm able to report on current events!

Events of 27th July 2015

Wally broke 800g Woooo
Even Wally is pleased he's gaining
As celebration they were allowed out for a lounge room romp.
Wanda bouncing off the walls at the taste of freedom
Teamwork to hit the ball around the track
The days progressed and Wally had a formed poop. Woooo.
Mum! Really! No one needs to know that! ~ Wally
Wally did have some random patch of hair missing on his nose for a long time and just because I wasn't ripping my hair out about their litter issues I was beginning to rip my hair out thinking that it might be ringworm instead.

Thankfully it wasn't and it is just assumed to be a scab or scar that is taking a little while to heal because of his malnutrition.
Barely visible nose dot
Willow became the next casualty after their next due worming I decided to go the tablet way because the worming syrup often made them vomit.
Willow wanting cuddles
Not sure if it was the tablet or just Willow's overly sensitive stomach to change but she reverted to needing the litter tray all the time.
Man this sensitive stomach thing is getting old!


Since fasting and chicken had worked with Wally I tried the same with Willow.

Eventually Wally and Wanda were cleared to be booked in for their little surgeries and would then return to the shelter.
Wanda every part an active, healthy kitten
You mean I have to go? ~ Wanda
Willow of course hadn't miraculously resolved her issues and although she was just under 1 kilo it was still a day by day thing about if she had firm poop or runny poop.
Kittens moved the tunnel with their antics
(I apologize if I've re-used pictures)

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...