Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Trio

The Trio came to me on 13th of October 2012. I was bringing in Henry for a vaccination, check over and my shelter adviser had hinted that maybe I would be able to take on the three as well.

This first injection they all got the day I met them is a blessing in disguise.

Before I ramble off about them here's a group photo.
Jimmy, Coleman & Stella

Anyways, from the beginning I wasn't told to keep them separated from each other despite Henry's sneezing occasionally. Therefore they had free play on the floor while I cleaned out cages.

All three of the kittens were over the weights which I usually took on and firstly it was going to be only eight days before they would move on to sales. Hah...

None were showing any symptoms of catching what Henry already had but Stella became a mystery.

Stella was the smallest of the group. The day after she came home with me she began refusing to eat or vomiting up whatever food she did eat or bile since nothing was in her stomach. Her weight dropped from 910 grams down to 861 grams overnight. Not a good omen.
Little Pretty Stella

I was handling all the kittens getting them used to being held, Jimmy and Coleman were the least happy about that but Jimmy would stand to be patted and would purr at me as long as all four feet were on the ground.

Due to Stella refusing to eat I had to syringe feed her to get at least something in her stomach. Thankfully she was no longer vomiting and even began looking brighter but she wouldn't eat on her own no matter what I offered her.

Right when I thought we were in the clear and Stella just had a mystery illness or was just really picky Coleman and Jimmy began sneezing. (face palm)
Jimmy stealing the spotlight
Coleman looking Pretty

All the while trying to figure out methods of separation and getting Stella to eat she was getting lower and lower rather than higher and higher. She got down to a measly 790 grams. I reached the end of my tether and was desperately trying to prepare myself for the fact that she might not make it to sales at all.

On the vet day that week she was brighter, meowing, still not eating on her own but playing and doing everything a normal kitten should. Again I was baffled but also knew that looking at her weights she still could be put down.

Thankfully the vet found her to be perky and alert, curious about her surroundings. He advised me to stop syringe feeding her and she'd have to sink or swim on her own. 

I got a third cage from outside and crammed it into the study as well. Its more than a bit crowded in there now.

I set Stella up in her own cage, the following day went out and grabbed whatever kitten wet foods I could find to try and entice her to eat. I also got vet prescribed chicken and rice to boil up for Henry in attempt to get his stools less watery and more solid. 

Henry wasn't fussed having meals cooked for him and resumed eating his ID dry food just to point that out.

Since they were all now sneezing the vet said they weren't needing to be as strictly kept apart and the virus would run its course in a matter of at least 10 days. Possibly. 

I tried to give them all free time on the floor once or twice a day. Little Stella made a liar of me and the first kitten wet food I offered her she scoffed down until her bowl was sparkling. Kitten Dine brand. Possibly full of junk but she goes nuts over the stuff.

Coleman and Jimmy remained on whiskas wanting nothing to do with the Hills brand wet food they are normally assigned and Henry had his chicken and Rice to try and firm up his stool although he usually had more leftovers than any he actually ate.

On the up side Stella being a chicken fanatic decided she was quite happy to help him fish out the chicken pieces and once again made me wonder if it was my imagination that she wasn't eating or that she was just holding out until something really expensive and smelly turned up...

Only within recent days, Stella has shot back up to just over the 1000 gram mark passing the weight she was when I first brought her home and becoming more and more outgoing, affectionate and a regular troublesome little kitten that really SHOULD be in her own home by now.

Henry is getting bored of his confines, I would let him run the room all day but any kitten that is out has now decided jumping the half door into mass population is great fun....not so much for Leo or Terra who are now showing their own signs of allergy or more likely flu (face palm). Henry is however sneezing less and pooping in much better form I am really hoping he gets cleared for adoption soon as he may already have a home lined up.

Jimmy, Coleman and Stella are all sneezing less as well but its still likely I'll have all four for at least another week. I am hoping fingers crossed that these kittens don't throw another spanner into the works and come down with something else...or Stella deciding she's over the dine kitten food and wanting something else...
Snuggling together

1 comment:

  1. I so love long haired kittens.. paws crossed for happy endings for all of them.


In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...