Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Trouble Town


Scratchy and Hidey passed their vet check and were given the OK for sales. Amazingly and saddening that both Prissy and Itchy were still in sales two along with about six other kittens in assortments of tabby and blacks. Mine of course were the most unique.
Hidey ready for a new adventure
Cheeky Boy Scratchy being silly

Prissy and Itchy greeted me with purrs and Prissy tried climbing into the carrier. Hidey was off like a shot greeting a black kitten as if she'd finally found someone who looked the same as her. Scratchy was more hesitant. I'm sure he'll settle in fine. Fingers crossed they all find great homes in the days to come.

Update on Marley - now Sadie - she's been taken out of sales. No, don't worry. Apparently a group of three kittens were brought in with no mother and they were at the stage where their ears were only just beginning to go upright. Marley was introduced and immediately began licking them and is now playing mother once again. She has such a precious nature that girl.

I was kitten-less for all of about half an hour.

I now have two groups all have no names.

It seems to be quite a theme to have tortoiseshells this year.

Group one consists of a tuxedo and a torti. These two weren't eating well enough or gaining the required amount so I'm here make sure they have food available at all times. They're just under 500g.

Group Two is some more itty bitty ferals. This lot consists of Three Torti's and a black. I'm calling the shorter haired girl Rebel because she's full of spit and growl. So far she's the only 'named' one. The second lot some are already coming around and some are full on defensive. They are walking fine, ears and eyes open but are badly underweight some being around 300 something grams.

Really they should learn to name them before I take them on. I suck at naming kittens.

Pictures will probably be added upon next post of the new group. They're still settling in at the present.

1 comment:

  1. lol@I was kitten-less for all of about half an hour.

    and here I am lamenting I'm probably going to be kittenless until spring.

    Best wishes for all on the sales floor, and may this set be healthy and happy and not cause you any worry.


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