The three Magician Kitties (Cosentino, Trixy and Mystique) were weaned back on to mince and since then there has actually been rises (in Cosentino's case no drops at all) but Trixy and Mystique are still suffering some pretty chronic diarrhea and at times look quite uncomfortable.
I'll be taking them out to get checked over *again* and to see if there's any medication for their upset little bowels or if theres a further underlying issue on why they are doing what they are doing...
My Aunty does want her kitten eventually *sigh*
On the side of the Little Blacks. On the up side they have names, on the down side I have a tonne of pictures that I have no clue who is who...FUN
Here we go anyway
A is now Lexi.
She's doing alright and is one of the heavier kittens in the 400 gram mark. She has had a few vomiting spells and did take a few swan dives but she's gaining again (touch wood).
B is Midnight. (Yes it is a different kitten)
Midnight is trouble. She's one of the three lower kittens. Can go all day acting like the bigger kittens and then suddenly vomits half her food back up again. She's taken quite a fall in the weight ranks and hasn't achieved her starting weight.
C is Harlem
This one is a serious worry. Unfortunately her weight records have shown quite a steady decline and she's now vying for the lowest weight kitten. There are moments where there is a glimmer of hope and she wolfs down food but those times are few and far between. I will not be surprised at all if the Vet chooses her as one to let go. Especially if she doesnt show signs of improvement in the near future...
D is Onyx
Why am I the only boy? |
E is Jinx
She's an Enigma. For awhile she was named Eclipse because I couldn't remember the fifth name on my list. She's been rising steadily for most part but has recently had a brief hesitation. Hopefully she'll be back up and rising again sooner rather than later. She too is one of the better off kittens.
F is Pixie
Pixie is the tiniest of the six. She has my heart in her itty bitty paws. For a tiny kitten she has spirit and strong moments of fight in her. I can see her trying really hard at times and then days like todays that are broken with lulls. Pixie loves cuddles and purrs readily she's often one of the first to greet me when I visit them. However with being the tiniest and struggling to climb back up to 300 grams my time with this little one might be cut shorter than I'd like. I want to fight for this one, I want to give her every opportunity until there is no hope left in her but at the same time if there is some underlying issue causing her to be so little.
With all the numerous doses of worming, the burden of fleas, the ear mites and having little to no nutrition in the days or weeks before coming into the care of the shelter I do believe it will take a few weeks to see them actually utilise what is in front of them
Several times I've picked them up and placed them in front of food or smeared it across their mouths and next minute they're fighting over the plate like there is no tomorrow. Other times it goes untouched. I've tried syringe feeding and sometimes they'll chew the end of it off wanting whats in it while other times it's a struggle to get the smallest amount into them.
Their poop is, to me, somewhat on the way to improvement. Sure they have cow pat to runny poop, a few have more formed but they were flushed out with two courses of wormer. They are also on a weight builder since they wont have a bar of the kitten food or milk replacement without throwing it up everywhere. The kitten food is impossible to get into a syringe with all the lumps also...
So I have hope but I'm also trying to prepare myself for the fact that some of the six wont make it. I am determined to try and get all six through this so we shall see what the future brings.
Send purrs for the Little Blacks and please tell the little midgets to EAT :)
Thank You to anyone and everyone who takes a moment to stop by my little blog.
purrs they all make it