Sunday, 29 May 2016

Can Finally Breathe

Events of 20th March 2015

Feeling like quite the gourmet chef in trying to get the kittens to eat, it is however paying off and the kittens are mostly gaining now.

 Zane is up around 500 grams now.
Yay Zane's gaining

Zeke and Zimmer are around the 700 gram mark.
Zimmer Sleek black now although as a baby looked slightly frosted
Zeke still a very pretty boy
Zazu is being a bit troublesome either staying level or dropping when he was originally the fattest. His siblings do seem to use him to nurse on.
Who Me? I'm not a troublesome kitten ~ Zazu
Got news that another staff member had taken on Peewee, Dipstick and Tasha and they are doing really good now.

Zazee should be due to go in for her spay surgery. Considering she pretty much ditched her kittens at four weeks old she should have gone back a lot sooner but something keeps delaying her return. She is a LOT fatter than she was when she first turned up here.

*Apparently it wasn't uncommon even with previous litters for Zazee to be bored of them pretty early. Maybe why Loki liked to nurse on people so much.

Zazee's kittens were well enough to be let out for their first lounge room romp.
Peek -A- Boo ~ Zoey

Zane is by far the most people orientated.
Cuddle Me! ~ Zane
Michelle came down for a visit and we had the Z's in the lounge with us. (Amazingly can't find any pics during this time).

At least four of the kittens are being booked for desex in the near future. Ziggy and Zane are of course a bit behind their siblings.
I didn't say you could touch my belly ~ Ziggy

My time with this litter is nearly up...

1 comment:

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...