Thursday, 5 May 2016

Goodbye Goodies

Events of 3rd February 2015

The Goodies packed their little bags and left home today.

Well temporarily...

They went to get their little surgeries done but will be coming back to stay here for a little while.
We're going where? To get what done?


I took Zazee with her kits out to the vet for a once over and her first vaccinations, probably ever.

Once again she failed her temperature check so vaccination would be pointless. The Vet is assuming she's stressing herself into a high temperature. Zazee has probably never had this much excitement and changes in her life so I don't really blame long as she doesn't stress herself into getting the flu.

Afer a few days with limited handling, Zazee is doing much better.  I'd bet being tossed in a carrier every second day and taken to strange places would stress anyone out. At the present I'm trying to keep food up to Zazee (she's got the skinny nursing mother appearance) and only weighing the kittens to check on their progress otherwise I'm leaving her be.

I'm amazed I didn't get more pictures of Zazee during this time?


Ruby got put on more medications.

The vet suspects she may have pneumonia. That would definitely explain her odd breathing right from the start.

Only a day or so later I was seeing results in Ruby. She finally hit 409 grams!! Woo!!
She's been eating and playing which is more than she had been doing also.
Ruby playing with Jasper
"What? Me? I'm innocent" ~ Ruby

Just when I think Ruby's doing well she does things like sitting at 408 grams for three days.
Then in my worry I over medicated or gave her too much food too soon after medicating and caused her to throw up.

I'm happy to report the hiccup didn't last too long and her appetite returned although for some reason she'll eat out of syringe, she'll eat off a spoon but doesn't seem to click that the same stuff is on the plate too...*sigh*

Family picture
Surgeries went well but I noticed Oreo's spay wound is looking a bit angrier than Kit Kat's does so I'm keeping a closer eye on it.
This whole no jumping around thing is getting old already ~ Oreo
Originally all the Goodies were due for a check and to be kept back at the shelter for transport on Monday. Oreo somehow managed to ditch her stitches and had fluid behind her spay wound so she was to be kept on foster.
Say What? I get to stay here longer? ~ Oreo
Kit Kat and Tim Tam did pass their check and booked their tickets on a transfer to another shelter.

So a collection of cute pictures bidding these guys farewell from The Little Legends...
KitKat sleeping on Mum

You and that flashy thing ~ KitKat

Such a pretty little girl

Life's too tiring for TimTam

Playful little guy
Grew into a handsome little kitten
Goodbye Goodies. Live long happy lives.

1 comment:

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...