Sunday 3 January 2016

Fears For The Gems


Ruby had some crusty eyes and sneezing. She shared the crusty eyes with her siblings. I feared the worst as they were too small to medicate. I was preparing myself for a very grim prognosis.

Despite the fact Ruby is still breathing weird and the fact they're so tiny they got put on antibiotics. I've never had kittens so small put on medication before.
Still wheezing but it's not stopping her
Geez woman, clean my bedding already!
Sad little Tanz
I just want to give that little face some kisses
Jasper is on the move, no time for pictures
Lady! Lemme Out! ~Jasper
I think in an overhaul of laws and goals this year the RSPCA are trying to treat animals and being more strict on the criteria that would end in euthanasia.

I've noticed if cats get flu in the past year that they get put on a course of medication and its only when the medication fails to relieve the symptoms or if they keep relapsing that they end up being put down.

Anything to lower the euthanasia rate is great in my books.

In the next few days Ruby has been gaining better but on the down side The Goodies have decided that now is a great time to sneeze and get the curse of the runs as well. When the usual food wasn't working I switched them to bland boiled chicken to see if that would clear up their litter habits.

Oreo's dance moves kill me dead in this pic
Not entirely happy with the new pen they've been assigned
Got word that today my cousin's cat Zazee had another litter of kittens (possibly her third). I planned to work out something with the shelter in order to get Zazee spayed so she wont have to have anymore.

Who would think this pretty girl...
Gave birth to this gorgeous boy?
The six (SIX!!) she had this time were all a normal range of colors. (I was secretly hoping she'd throw another color point in there but I guess she didn't date the same dads).

Zazee ~ Not again!
Lets hope we have some markings to tell them apart.

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...