Sunday, 19 June 2016

Return of the Moods & Hugo's Progress

Events of the 24th June 2015

The Moods: Smoochy, Sooky and Grumpy returned to the shelter today. I felt horribly bad for making my mother look after seven kittens while I was cooped up in literal quarantine with Hugo.
Hanging with me isn't a bad thing though ~ Hugo
From where they began all three of the black kittens were improved. They were by no means dying to meet you except Smoochy was quite happy to ninja tackle your arm but they all played with abandon and I felt if they were constantly exposed to people now on the adoption floor they would have a chance at finding a home.

Grumpy was the most reserved of the three but I felt if he was with his sisters he'd learn from them and gain confidence as time went on.

Jodi (one of the shelter staff that had been fostering them) commented on how much they had improved.
Kicking litter tray halfway up their room is a sign of impending return
Also playing in the litter tray is another sign...
Winni also stayed back at the shelter. Hindsight is wonderful and if I could go back I probably would have kept her for a few more weeks. She was getting a bit stir crazy in with the kittens.
Wally always coming over to say hello
Little Wanda is going to be trouble...
Winni has a beautiful nature. She's been the most gorgeous mother to her kittens and is very clean and tidy. She is affectionate and loves attention. I didn't get much of her history but she'd make some lucky person one adorable cat.
So sleek and shiney
Family Photo before Wini departed
Hugo had a bit of a relapse today. (24th June). Its a constant worry whenever he's not playing. He got quite flat and he was huffing with his breaths. My gut told me it wasn't right for him to be sleepy for so long and I somehow knew he was running a temperature.
Not while he had a temp but he absolutely loved laying on the heat vent
Got Hugo in to the vets where he was put on metacam again to bring his temperature down. I worried about how many more chances Hugo would get before he was considered a lost cause.

Hugo got wormed (much to his distaste). He started to get perkier again by the following night. On the other side Willow was doing some mysterious weight loss.
Whats up Willow?
I extended his Metacam for a few extra days. Gave the furball a bath that he sorely needed and his coat came up so beautiful when it was all fluffy. Brushed some matts out of his fur.
Look at that gorgeous coat 
And how clear his eyes are getting
Happy to report Hugo is back to bouncing around my room.

Hugo being cute
So pleased that his eyes are becoming so clear

1 comment:

In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...