Thursday, 3 September 2015

Kittens Kittens Kittens

Pepper has decided outside the box is fun. Hasn't yet convinced his siblings to venture out but give it time, there are tiny calculations going on in those little brains.

Meanwhile Sugar is silently fretting about one kitten being out of her reach. To the point she came at me with intent when I was patting him but kind of lost her momentum when I called her bluff.

Decided it was well past time to remove the box she'd given birth in now that the kittens were out and about. Sugar was not happy but we were very happy to get her out of the stinky bedding.
Salt or Pepper watching a sibling that's ventured out of bed (Sugar looking cranky)
Mum and growing bubs together. Love Honey in this pic
I'll take a stab and say that's Pepper peering over the back there
The small taste of freedom during the change has meant that Salt and Honey now join Pepper roaming around while the smallest, Splenda is very much a mummy's girl and isn't quite ready to join them.
Honey doing some exploring
Pepper? looking all cute
During a full clean of the room I found the reason Splenda is sticking so close to her mother.

It's now official. Splenda is deaf.
Splenda completely oblivious to everything while sticking close to mum
I always thought her meow was oddly loud and kind of distorted. Never gave it much more thought than that. Sugar is white but she has about four hairs on her head that are black (where Salt and Pepper probably got their color from) Splenda has no other color and still has her blue eyes which she'll probably keep forever.

I mean I know cats with blue eyes that can hear and I know cats with yellow eyes that cant. There is however quite a few white cats that end up deaf. I'm no scientist or vet.

Anyway the sound of the vacuum cleaner sent Honey, Pepper and Salt into frenzy trying to find somewhere to hide (behind their new bed). Splenda wandered around the cage even interacting with the air sucking thing like it was nothing unusual. I don't think she even realized all her siblings and mother were cowering in the one corner.

When showing my discovery to mum and dad later that day Splenda was fast asleep and there was not one twitch.

Grace's babies have been named

Kit Kat is the torbie girl
*Pout* Such a sad face on little KitKat
Tim Tam the tabby Boy
Lookit that liddle face
Oreo the white and Tabby girl (often tend to call her Tiny by mistake)

Oreo's ears have a bit of growin' to do to catch up to her big head
We've got little peepers open. I'm able to keep weight records and wonder how the weights would have gone if I'd weighed Sugars because Graces' babies fluctuate. Hate drops in weight of any kind.

You came here to pat me right? ~ Grace
Stop, no more pictures ~ Oreo
Grace's toilet behavior has not gotten better. She's a grotty grotty girl using her water bowl as a litter tray for one, sometimes both lots of business. I have no idea how to train her out of that habit.

Of course to end with Loki
Lookit those amazing blue eyes

1 comment:

  1. Poor Sugar. I'm sorry to hear she isn't relaxing a bit more.

    Gracie's babies are so darn cute!


In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...