Sunday, 13 September 2015

Loki Leaves The Legends

20th December 2014
After much longer than initially planned my time with my dream-coloured kitty Loki came to an end.
Was so little when he moved on to his forever home
Michelle came to finally pick up her new baby and he was more than ready to go.

People often ask how I give foster kittens up and usually when there is a litter of three or more and they all hit the eight week mark or older at the same time its exactly like it sounds. One troublesome kitten multiplied by however many equals that much more mischief.
Wants to grow up a Sk8ter Boi
Its never easy, in fact its much harder when I have to say goodbye to kittens that I've struggled to nurse back to health several times over. All the worry, the stress, the long hours put in to get the healthy again all become worth it when the ideal family comes along and falls in love.
Lights out with "Dad"
I find comfort when I place kittens in homes immediately from foster care and thoroughly enjoy being kept updated, seeing them grow into adult kitties. Knowing I helped in the early stages of their lives is very rewarding.
Synchronised napping
Loki wasn't a hard case but he was one of those unique colors that I really don't see that often and I had numerous people interested in him (could have sold him several times over). I was eternally glad that it worked out that one of my best friends Michelle had been in the market at the time he came into my care.
Was once so little
Love seeing his color developing
They already have Nelson a gorgeous big black and white kitty they adopted roughly a year ago as an adult cat and they weren't entirely sure how he'd take to inheriting a new brother. Nelson is only two or three years old so fingers crossed all goes well.
New Kitten? No Problem
Nelson chilling
As a precaution Michelle wanted to wait until both herself and her partner (Roy) were settled and able to take some time off so they could be there when the introductions took place and make sure no ones nose got out of joint in jealousy.
Adorable family picture
I heard word all along her long drive home when she took breaks. Loki would cry but when she stuck her fingers in his carrier he would suckle on them. (Silly cat).

She was also pulled over a few times by police and everyone that saw him wanted Loki. One police said he'd have to arrest him for cuteness.

In a drive by coffee run Loki put the poor server in tears from how cute he was.

Best of all news is that introductions have gone relatively smoothly. Nelson appears pretty laid back at the moment about his new house guest. Loki has embraced the fact that Michelle is his new mother and has taken to nursing on her. She thinks its cute at the moment but I'm willing to bet it'll get not so cute as time goes on.
Getting not so cute
No bare skin is free from Loki
I think it reached not so cute here
So only got The Condiment Kittens and Grace with her Goodies. I'm sure they'll keep me busy and in the meantime I've got constant updates on how Loki is settling in. Win Win.

Here is a brief picture story of Loki in his new home...
Loki keeping his distance from Nelson
Christmas Day miracle
Tired little Baby
Loki hanging with 'Dad'
Having a "gargoyle off"
Sharing Food
Holding Paws
An outing on Harness
Wedding preparations
Got the silly face down pat 

Never ending episode of Dear Kitten...

Getting a bit big to sit on Mum's chest now
New bed for a spoiled baby
Still has those amazing eyes
Settled in his forever home

1 comment:

  1. it is nice when friends adopt the special ones.. or when the special ones go to people who become friends.


In a Prickle

Events of 13th January 2016 Well there always comes a time in the season where its a juggle between kittens that need care and ones that do...